Feb 08, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Pre-Professional Curricula

Most professional schools advise prospective students to develop a solid foundation in the liberal arts as the best preparation for admission. Consistent with this advice, Northland College does not offer designated pre-professional majors; instead, students interested in pursuing a professional degree after graduation from Northland are encouraged to complete a regular major and to choose elective courses that further prepare them for the professional field of their choice.

For assistance in developing an undergraduate course of study that will facilitate admittance into specific professional schools, students are encouraged to research the requirements of specific professional schools in their areas of interest and to meet with Northland College faculty members who have been designated as pre-professional advisors.

The recommendations below are intended to provide general guidance for students interested in pursuing post-baccalaureate professional training.


The American Bar Association, the American Association of Law Schools, and pre-law advising organizations all agree that a solid liberal arts education is the best preparation for law school. Because of this, law schools accept students with a wide variety of majors and backgrounds.

Northland College encourages students interested in pursuing a law degree to meet with the pre-law faculty advisor. Students are also encouraged to select a major that has relevance to the type of law they expect to practice in the future and to pursue a course of study that hones the following skills and values, all of which are crucial to the successful practice of law:

  • analytical and problem-solving skills;
  • critical reading skills;
  • writing skills;
  • oral communication and listening skills;
  • general research skills;
  • task organization and management skills;
  • values of serving faithfully the interests of others while promoting justice.

Finally, because law school curricula are demanding and because law schools admission officers look for demonstrated achievement by applicants, students interested in attending law school should select challenging courses and develop the self-discipline required to do well in those courses.


Pre-Veterinarian Medicine

The Association of American Veterinary Medicine Colleges recommends a solid liberal education preparation for veterinary medicine professions. Students planning to enter veterinary science professions should pursue a course of study that meets professional school entrance requirements, regardless of major. In addition, students should plan extracurricular time for volunteer and service activities and prepare for the GRE exam.

Because entrance requirements change from year to year and differ among schools, students are encouraged to work closely with the pre-veterinary advisor and to become familiar with the requirements of the veterinary schools to which they plan to apply. In general, though, the following coursework is recommended (note that AP credit may not be accepted at some veterinary schools without taking additional college courses):

one semester of general biology or zoology with lab; one semester of genetics; one semester of microbiology; two semesters of inorganic chemistry with lab; one semester of organic chemistry with lab; one semester of biochemistry; two semesters of physics with lab; one semester of calculus; two semesters of writing or courses with an extensive writing requirement; courses in humanities and social sciences in preparation for the social, psychological, and business aspects of veterinary practice.


Pre-Health Care

Northland College has a solid track record of preparing students for admission to medical professions graduate schools. Our strength is in maintaining a high quality of instruction, but also encouraging our students to think critically and broadly as they pursue their particular interests. The American Association of Medical Colleges recommends a solid liberal education preparation for medical professions. Students who are passionate about human health care may choose to major in Biology or Chemistry, while taking courses that meet professional school admissions requirements. One particular major does not have an advantage over another for admission. Pre-professional students should be prepared for career alternatives and the suggested curricula for pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-physical therapy, and pre-physician assistant will prepare students for general graduate school admission if students decide to postpone pre-professional school or pursue another career path.

Successful admission to health care professional schools in medicine (MD and DO), dental, physical therapy, physician assistant, and nursing, requires careful and long-term planning. Students should plan time for extracurricular activities such as internships, research, job shadowing, paid positions, and volunteering that provide experience working with people or in some health care capacity. Students should also keep a record of hours spent with each activity because that information may be requested on the application.

Because entrance requirements change from year to year and differ among schools, students are encouraged to become familiar with the requirements of the professional schools to which they plan to apply, and to work closely with their academic advisor and the pre-medicine advisor to plan for the completion of courses required for their major(s) as well as by the professional schools.  The following coursework should meet or exceed recommended prerequisites for most health care professional programs (note that AP or CLEP credit may not be accepted at some professional schools without taking additional college courses).  


two semesters of inorganic chemistry with lab; one semester of organic chemistry with lab;  one semester of biochemistry; one semester of anatomy; one semester of physiology; one semester of statistics; one semester of microbiology; one semester of sociology; one semester of psychology; one semester of developmental psychology; one semester of writing.

Pre-Physical Therapy

one semester of anatomy; one semester of physiology; two semesters of chemistry; two semesters of physics; one semester of psychology one semester of abnormal and/or developmental psychology; one semester of statistics; one semester of calculus**; two elective courses in biology (microbiology, embryology, genetics).

Pre-Physician Assistant

two semesters of inorganic chemistry with lab; one semester of organic chemistry with lab;  one semester of biochemistry; two semesters of physics with lab; one semester of calculus**; one semester of statistics; one semester physiology; one semester of anatomy; one semester of microbiology; one semester of psychology; 2 semesters of English writing and composition; Elective courses in biology (genetics, immunology, embryology, parasitology, medical terminology suggested).  


two semesters of inorganic chemistry with lab; one semester of organic chemistry with lab; one semester of biochemistry; two semesters of physics with lab; one semester of calculus*; two semesters of biology (zoology and anatomy preferred); one semester of psychology; two semesters of English writing and composition: elective courses in biology (anatomy, cell biology, genetics, microbiology suggested), math, speech, humanities (including art) and social sciences; writing as a stand-alone course or another course with an extensive writing requirement.

Pre-Medicine (MD and DO)

two semesters of inorganic chemistry with lab; one semester of organic chemistry with lab; one semester of biochemistry; two semesters of physics with lab; one semester of calculus**; one semester of statistics; two semesters of biology (one of which is advanced); one semester of psychology; one semester of sociology; writing as a stand-alone course or another course with an extensive writing requirement.