Feb 17, 2025  
2012-2013 Catalog 
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Specialized Undergraduate Courses

Northland College provides students with the opportunity to further develop their skills and/or knowledge in a specific field of interest through these special options. These courses are offered in several disciplines to fit into the student’s major or minor area of study at the 200 and 400 course levels. The exception is the senior capstone which is at the 400 level only. The difference between 200 and 400 level courses is the rigor and application of skills and knowledge that will be deployed. To register for any of these options a student must complete the Special Course Registration form available through the Registrar’s Office. This form needs to be filled out in its entirety, including details regarding the course as well as the signature of the instructor and the student’s faculty advisor. The instructor must be a member of the academic department to which the course is being assigned. This form must be turned into the Registrar’s Office by the end of the add/drop period of the term in which the students will be participating in the special course. No more than 12 Internship, Field Experience, Research Assistant, or Teaching Assistant credits may be applied towards requirements for the baccalaureate degree. Students should talk with their academic advisor for more information regarding these options.

Independent Study

A student may pursue an independent study course in a subject of special interest to carry out an in-depth investigation or apply some theoretical knowledge to an actual working situation. Students who most benefit from independent study courses are mature, self-disciplined, and highly motivated. Students must have specific objectives clearly defined for their coursework and work with a chosen faculty member, who will serve as a consultant and evaluator. Independent study course opportunities are limited to students in good academic standing who have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average in the previous session of enrollment. Students will receive a letter grade for the course.

Field Experiences and Internships

A student may receive academic credit for a field experience and/or internship. Students who wish to participate in either course must make arrangements with a faculty member to develop a course description that includes goals the student has for the experience and appropriate evaluation criteria. A supervisor from the cooperating organization will submit an evaluation halfway through and at the end of the student’s experience to the faculty member in order to confirm that the student has met the pre-arranged criteria. The faculty member will assign a grade at the end of the experience based upon the supervisor’s evaluation, a final debrief with the student, and any other work the student has agreed to submit. Students will earn either a Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U) grade. Internships and Field Experiences should be treated like any other academic course with the work started and completed during the term the student is enrolled for credit.

Students should register for an Internship if the experience:

  • Will primarily increase the knowledge of the student while benefiting the cooperating organization
  • Meets all criteria developed for a certain department’s internship (see website for specific internship criteria)
  • Will include training or mentoring in new skills and knowledge

Students should register for a Field Experience if they will:

  • Be providing significant support for the cooperating organization with less focus on new learning
  • Meets all the criteria for an academic experience but does not meet the criteria for internship

A field experience or internship course is a way to gain practical, hands-on work experience in a particular field of interest. Students may pursue such opportunities locally or elsewhere and may receive pay for their experiences. In the region, there are diverse opportunities available with state and federal governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, tribal governments, municipalities, on-campus, and others. For more information regarding field experiences or internships, contact your faculty advisor or the Coordinator of Applied Learning.

Teaching and Research Assistantships

A student may serve as a teaching or research assistant for a course with approval from the instructor. As a teaching assistant, a student assists the instructor in classroom activities, student training, or material preparation for a course in which s/he has particularly strong skills or experience. Students are eligible to receive some credit for these experiences but no more than the credit value of the course. As a research assistant, a student performs library, laboratory, or survey research under the direction of a faculty member on an issue, topic, or project that the faculty member is investigating. Students will receive letter grades for their work.

Note: Teaching and research assistant opportunities are limited to students in good academic standing.

Senior Capstone

All students must complete a Senior Capstone or Senior Thesis course that demonstrates their composite knowledge from four years of work. Students work with faculty in their major fields of study (or take a multi-disciplinary approach) to design a specialized project that reflects senior-level work. Projects vary across disciplines and may include successfully completing a 400-level course, carrying out an in-depth research project, or writing and presenting a paper similar to a graduate-level thesis. Public presentations in all disciplines are encouraged so the student can share his or her knowledge with others. Faculty members provide guidance for and assessment of capstones. Several departments regularly offer a senior capstone class while others require that students register using the Special Course Registration Form. See the listing of courses or your faculty advisor for more information regarding capstone options.